Friday, September 26, 2014


[Currently drowning in pathophysiology and staring out the window thinking about the etiology of my current malaise...]

Please don't let this cheesy photo fool you- I was even more excited hiking through the Zion Narrows in Utah than my thumb and wide smile could express. During my last week of summer freedom a few friends and I squashed ourselves into a rental and drove to Utah. Between work, school and events we gave ourselves 4 days with a loose plan to see 3 of the National Parks and travel time worked in. It was an amazing whirlwind of hiking, hilarious camping, running from flash flooding, nautical twilight star gazing and the most awe inspiring views of God's creation cramped into a modest 3 days. 

a stormy welcome from Zion our first night

drenching hike to the Emerald Pools to kick off our time in Zion
unforeseen thunder + lightning + torrential downpour = night 1 dinner eaten in rental 
Day 2 hiking the Zion Narrows // running from flash flooding

river hiking can be tiring..

Day 2: First glance at Bryce Canyon at sunset

Day 3- Bryce Canyon : home of the hoodoos

Day 3- catching sunset at Cedar...followed by star gazing sprinkled with shooting stars
Day 4- One last look at Cedar before heading home
A magnificent break being fully immersed and still in nature (thank you canyons for making phone reception nil). Coming into another semester of nursing school with my head and heart in the right place- refocused and refreshed. 

Now back to thinking about electrolyte imbalances...

lots of love 

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