Wednesday, May 11, 2011


(no i'm not trying to be racist) i want to meet one.

MIDTERMS ARE OVER FOR ME :) but im already too busy with other things :(

so i took the chance last night to try some new recipes from a old recipe book that i found at home. ergo the creation of CHHHHUUUUURRRRROOOOOO chips (*to be said like the FleA)

Step 1: cook up your tortillas...

until puffed up but not completely crisp
good to work with while still warm off the pan

cut tortillas into wedges or strips
combine sugar and cinnamon according to your tastes

fry up your strips until golden brown. Drain slightly of extra oils and then toss into sugar while still hot.
let sit and become crispy with the sugar coat

enjoy warm or cooled !

best to store in a brown paper bag to let residual oils seep out and to avoid crushing

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts :)