Sunday, June 26, 2011

everybody don their 'YAY' hats!


It has been a long and slightly hard journey building up to finally getting baptized but it was worth waiting for. All these years people have been asking me, "why aren't you baptized?" "when are you going to get baptized?" "your family is all baptized, why are you still waiting?" Honestly, these questions bothered me. Reasons 1. I thought baptism was only to be thought of as a serious matter when that person is ready, not because the family order says so; 2. WHY YOU UP IN MY BIZ-NASS? (yah i have attitude. im a girl. so sue me); and 3. I never wanted to admit to myself or others that I wasn't "up to par" in my spiritual life as I should be.

I have dealt with a lot of temptations in the process. Boys. Drinking. Weed. Bury myself in school instead. Get lost at work. Fashion trends. This blog. All these idols that were put before me and each of them had their own tempting light. (I'm not saying I don't still struggle with these-because i do- but they all seemed much more prevalent once i decided to get baptized. Satan has a tight grip on the world.

*I'm sorry if this is long and not interesting to you, but i created this as an outlet for everything in my life. HODGEPODGE. *

so congratulate me! i will post up pictures later :)

lots of lovee in Christ

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